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Sunday, July 27, 2008

How To Use Flash

I thought I'd explain to some of you amateur camera users the purpose of and ways to use flash settings.

---> Here's an example of a picture without flash, followed by one with flash. Note the difference.


Hope you learnt a thing or two!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Stop And Listen To The Music- You Have All The Time In The World

Brother on a frikin' turtle!

Vivid Vision!

Eyes to die for.

Hell On Earth

Well, in Delhi, Sainik Farms, on the Bandh- to be precise.

Wind Me Up

I thought it would be appropriate to put ME in MY blog :P

Inna Putri Bali

Beach: Phuket

Puppy Love

Nikon D80, f/5.6

Mocktail Man

If someone wants to advertise their mocktail with this, please pay me :P

My brother sipping his drink at a lovely beach-side cafe in Phuket

Stand Tall... Mum

Nikon D80, f/8

Dormant Beast

Bali is more than just beaches and resorts...

Batur lake and volcano
Nikon D80, f/10

Nikon D80, f/10

But there's that too..

Karma beach and resort

Monkey Business

Nikon D80, 1/200sec, ISO-160, f/5.6


Tip two: If it's something you don't see very often, keep on clicking. With dolphins swimming through fast waters and you standing on a motor boat taking flight every 15 seconds, you're likely to get a blurry picture. Solution, get yourself a 4Gb memory card and keep clicking. Hopefully in the end you will have a few good pictures to keep, and prove to your wife once again that spending a fortune on your camera was worth it.

Nikon D80, 1/800sec, ISO-160, f/5,6

Nikon D80, 1/500sec, ISO-160, f/5.6

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bali Beauty

People can say what they want, but truly, there are no words to describe beauty like such. Mother nature at her best; Bali Sunset.

Nikon D80, 1/1250sec, ISO-160

Say Hello To My Little Friend

Meet D80, the world's most respected camera. This baby right here packs quite a punch; with over a billion settings and picture modes (so that's a slight exaggeration) to choose from, as well as a lot of other small buttons, for example, to adjust the amount of light that comes into the lens- we call that exposure ;) -or to increase or decrease the shutter speed.

A camera is a complicated thing, kind of like Russel Peters trying to disarm a nuclear bomb with two failsafes in 15 seconds. Get the point?

Anyone looking for a camera? Well if the D80 is in your budget, go for it. This baby is the one camera you will never have to replace. Need to know more? Read here.


Welcome to Vivid Vision, my first photoblog. Other than heightening my internet bill with large uploads of scenic and highly random images from around the world, I answer questions and quieries about how to obtain pretty decent photos. Here's hint one: buy a good camera.